October 24, 2007
I also did a little experiment I burrowed from someone on the ratebeer website. Got half a gallon of unpasteurized cider from a local orchard and added the dregs (the settled yeast) of a nicely sour beer (Jolly Pumpkin Oro de Calabaza). It took a bit of time for activation to start but then it EXPLODED with fermentation. Depending on how this works out I have a few possible routes to take:
A) take what happens and drink it
B) add more sour yeast, particularly from a geuze
C) and possibly if it is going well get a whole 3-5 gallons of unpasteurized cider and use this as a starter
October 5, 2007

Keegan Ales shares a lot of history with Long Island, particularly the name of a beer. Keegan Ales makes an American style IPA called Hurricane Kitty, which also happens to be the name of an IPA made at the BrickHouse Brewery, a small brewpub in Patchogue, NY. A little more than a year ago I stopped by there and ordered the Kitty and as I did a man next to me said "nice choice." Long story short, I was sitting next to Tom Keegan, the son of Hurricane Kitty, the craziest driver in Patchogue. Also, his son Tommy was the Keegan of Keegan Ales.
Now back to the point, I made a slight trek to Kingston to visit a recently opened restaurant and bar at the Keegan brewery, but more importantly they had 2 beers on tap that are not easy to come by. First and most important was the Super Kitty, a supped up version of the regular Kitty that weights in at 12% abv, is hand bottled, and released in a super small quantity during the holiday season. I got to try a draft version and, as a nice bonus, a brand new beer, a White Ale, the first Belgian style beer from this brewery.
September 4, 2007
New Holland Moxie - New Holland Brewing Company, Holland, Michigan
New Glarus Unplugged Enigma - New Glarus Brewing Company, New Glarus, Wisconsin
New Belgium La Folie - New Belgium Brewing Company, Fort Collins, Colorado
Russian River Supplication - Russian River Brewing, Santa Rosa, California
Jolly Pumpkin La Roja Grand Reserve - Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales, Dexter, Michigan
Rodenbach Grand Cru - Brouwerij Rodenbach (Palm), Roeselare
Bios Vlaamse Bourgogne (labeled as Monk's) - Brouwerij Van Steenberge, Ertvelde
Zoetzuur Flemish Reserve Ale - De Proefbrouwerij, Lochristi
Mestreechs Aajt (5% ABV, unsweetened) - Gulpener Bierbrouwerij, Gulpen, Netherlands
Friend's homebrewed, 5 year old, straight from the barrel, uncarbonated, Flanders Red
The Rundown
La Folie 3.98
August 30, 2007
Some kind words from another beer writer.
Michael Jackson's last article
July 15, 2007
So not to burst anyone's bubble but it actually did not taste like anything. The aroma was decent enough, some cider aspects, very faint malt. Taste was completely water (pool water, as one person described it). So, I wont expect much from 100 year old beer but it was cool in itself.
July 10, 2007
Made a stout with my buddy Boris, was bottled on 5/25/07. Had it 4 weeks later and was really disappointed but had some more yesterday and it was really good, maybe the best I have made so far.
Borris has gone on to make his first batch without me, a Double/Imperial Pale Ale, can't wait to try it, when its Boris... its got to be adventurous.
Planning on making a hard cider with cranberries (and possibly honey) next, just need to find some free time.
Also want to experiment with carob molasses, grape molasses, and figs in the future.
Beer loving:
Had a gathering to welcome a fellow Ratebeerian to the area recently PICURES HERE
Belgium Comes to Copperstown is happening in less than two weeks, if you don't know you better ask somebody
Drinking a Black Jack Porter right now. One of the many really nice breweries in Colorado. This is one of their regular offerings. A very cice beer, seems like they added chocolate and the hops are jus a bit stronger than I like in my porters. But overall great cocoa sweetness and a slight tea aspect, very quaffable.
April 24, 2007
I have my next homebrew in the primary right now. Its a stout with a bit of a twist, some spices, and a bit more hops.
March 6, 2007
February 14, 2007
The Westvleteren beers are brewed by the Abbey of Saint Sixtus in the Westvleteren region of Belgium. The Abbey makes Trappist beers or those made by Trappist monks. Of the world's 171 Trappist monasteries, seven produce beer (six in Belgium and one in The Netherlands). These seven breweries are authorized to label their beers with the Authentic Trappist Product logo that indicates a compliance to various rules edicted by the International Trappist Association (mainly that the beer be brewed within the walls of a Trappist monastry and the profits go toward assistance and not economic gain).
Of all the Trappist breweries, St. Sixtus produces the smallest amount and also produces by some to be the worldest best beers. These beers are not supposed to be sold outside of the Abbey, but I obviuosly did not travel to Belgium to pick up this bottle. I came across this bottle through some fun beer hunting.
Now back to the point, this bottle, with which I celebrated my 500th rating was about 5.5 years old. As expected it aged wonderfully, but if you want to see exactly what I thought you are going to have to go read the rating.
February 4, 2007
January 26, 2007
I love getting together to drink beer with other beer crazed maniacs, um.... I mean, ahh, friends that is. A few weeks ago a small social gathering led to this THIS. Some crazy stuff in there, two different but similar Southampton Biere de Garde's. A vertical of De Dolle Oerbier Reserve (02, 04, 05), a crazy ass Ice Cider (that's right a cider made using frozen apples. Guess where its made, Canadia of all places. A blissful beverage, silkiness of ice wine, smoothness of cider, and a nice strength to boot. This sort of get togethers are usually the most fun, this way you get to share the really really cool beers you have got and get some in return, its really a win/win situation.
Now on to some homebrew news. My spiced Irish Red is ready, worked out as well as I could have expected. A bit stronger on the cinnamon and clove but overall very nice. I got some good carbonation, will stick to dextrose (corn sugar) from now on. Got the red color I wanted, was afraid I might not.
January 25, 2007
January 3, 2007
The great thing about trading is often people throw in extras and I was hooked up nicely. I'll be spending the next few weeks enjoying these goodies and some will get put away for a while as well.